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[Water color brush] Quote practice


Randomly picked some quotes/sentences to practice brush pen writing, and here's what they looked like:

No one fights alone

"No one fights alone."

Go out paint the stars

"Go out and paint the stars."

-----------Vincent van Gogh

Nature doesn't hurry yet accomplish

"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished."

-----------------Lao Tzu

Live is hard

"Life is hard but we must fight for it."

Life becomes eaiser

"Life becomes easier when you delete the negative."

Not realized I misspelled easier until now......delete!

Life is a matter of moments

"Life is not a matter of milestone but of moments."

The height and space between each word is what I'm working on, so it would be nice to mimic other people's piece. Here is a list of artists/groups I follow and learn from:

@mreggplants 茄子先生

@HanksDiary 每一天的手帳日記!

@heyiantracy Tracy L. 在英國的日子

I actually took several classes from above artist such as 茄子先生 and teacher NIN when I was in Taiwan. Their classes were quite inspiring, and I even brought their handouts to the States.

Muchas gracias!

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